當工作檔案越來越大的時候,確保所有的工作資料轉移的時候不會遺漏,那你就ㄧ定要知道這個很有用的技巧 “ 打包 Package “。
Package 可以用來打包素材資源,也可以把Linked連結檔案打包帶走,絕對不會遺漏!!
When the work file is getting bigger and bigger, make sure that all the work data will not be missed when transferring, then you must know this very useful technique " Package ".
It can be used to package resources, and you can also package Linked files to take them away, so you will never miss them! (Translator Deepl)
※範例檔案來源 https://skfb.ly/os7nV
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